
“Atlas des Images Colposcopiques”

Didactic Aid application for Gynecologist first-time approach to Colposcopy.

Project assigned to by Italian organization “Fondazione Umberto Veronesi” (scientific progress promotion and support), in joint partnership with “Fondazione Cesvi” (global solidarity - humanitarian aid and development) , as a cervical cancer prevention and early detection program for the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The application consist of three sections:

  • Colposcopy Introduction
  • Images Altas
  • Training Test

Colposcopy Introduction
A general basic introduction of colposcopy, with illustrations, diagrams and tables.

ms working group

Images Atlas
50 high definition colposcopy images, classified following the Colposcopic Terminology of the International Federation for Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy nomenclature, each classification associated to a color:

  • NORMAL - green
  • G1(grade 1) - yellow
  • G2(grade 2) - red
  • CANCER(suspicious for invasion) - blue

The images are viewable randomly or by classification group. With the exception of NORMAL classified images, each image has a second version with a perimeter drawn displaying the zones associated to a classification.

ms working group

Training Test
Same Atlas 50 images, randomized sequential order each time the test is taken, selection of correct classification required to continue into next image.

At the end of the test, images gallery classified with zone perimeters visualization feature.

ms working group